BS – BITS Pilani, Rajastan
LL.B – Osmania University
PG Diploma in Alternative Dispute Resolution – Nalsar University of Law
Mr. Sudhakar
He obtained BS from BITS Pilani, Rajastan and LL.B from Osmania University. Also obtained PG Diploma in Alternative Dispute Resolution from Nalsar University of Law, Hyderabad. He has myriad experience in the area of Health Care by working in MGM Hospital, Warangal in Hidustan Cables Ltd.,. (Govt of India Undertaking), Hyderabad unit and Public Health Engineering Department Govt. Of A.P. He worked as Municipal Engineer for more than 5 years.He also worked in Hyderabad Metro Water Supply & Sewerage Board, Hyderabad as Dy.General Manager looking after Operation & Maintenance of drinking water units and earned laurels for effective water supply during acute scarcity period during 1986 to 1989 and 2003 to 2004.
He was involved in remodelling of water supply system with the World Bank assistance. He was also involved in Asian Games 2002 held in Hyderabad to over view the water supply to sports village. He was General Secretary of A.P. Public Health Engineers Association during the year 1992-1994. Associated with the Institution of Engineers ( India), a premier institute of the country for over a decade in organising the major technical events in AP state centre and participated actively XV Indian Engineering Congress held in 2000 at Hyderabad. Presently he is the Chairman, Institution of Engineers (India), AP State Centre, for the sessions 2011 – 13. During his tenure, the centre received the Best State Centre Award. He is a member in Permanent Lok Adalat for utility services, Nampally Court Hyderabad.